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Heroic Aspirations, Gay Marriage, and the Mormon Church

My name is Brent Beal, I’ve been married for eighteen years, my wife and I have three beautiful kids, we are both university professors, we’re Mormon, and we support gay marriage.

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Why All Mormon Women Should Wear Pants to Church

[Photo Credit] All groups have their idiosyncrasies.  Mormons are no different, although there are days when I suspect we have more than our fair share of quirks. Today’s


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Protected: Dishes To Do

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Protected: Solid Ground

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Protected: Letters

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Adam Speaks to God

[Photo Credit] Adam Speaks to God by Bored in Vernal I asked God if it was okay to bake eclairs, And he nodded his head as he Brushed some crumbs


The Preacher Ruminates Behind the Sermon

[Photo Credit] THE PREACHER RUMINATES BEHIND THE SERMON Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) I think it must be lonely to be God. Nobody loves a master. No. Despite The bright hosannas, bright dear-Lords,


Elder Packer and the Tilt of the Earth’s Axis

[Photo Credit] His name was Tom McGraw and I couldn't have asked for a better neighbor.  He was like a grandfather to me.  He was patient, even gracious,

Protected: For My Children

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A Modest Immigration Proposal

[Photo Credit] Let's start with Mr. Jorge Salinas, Mexican, 43, married, with one daughter about to graduate from college.  He speaks a little English, has gotten by


Prop 8 Overturned: Quick Comments

[Photo Credit] Judge Vaughn Walker overturned Prop 8 today (in case you haven't heard).  His decision includes a number of important findings that will shape both future

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A Love Story?

I read because of short stories like "Here We Aren't, So Quickly," by Jonathan Safran Foer.  It's from the June 14/21, 2010 issue of The New Yorker--the "20 under

Protected: July 12, 2010 Workshop – Getting Started

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Protected: July 12, 2010 Workshop – Introductions

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Universal Profile Picture

Wouldn't it be great if there were a central database somewhere in cyberspace that would allow you to associate a little picture--an small profile picture or "avatar"--with your

Protected: July 12, 2010 Workshop – Schedule

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Same-Sex Marriage: Calling BS on the Religious Freedom Argument

[Photo Credit] We all know the game.  It's called CHEAT in Britain, BULLSHIT in the U.S. (or sometimes, in more restrained circles, I DOUBT IT).  You start with a standard


Protected: Knowledge Like Snow on a Rooftop

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WLS Short Story Workshops

A Wisdom Like a Stone (WLS) workshop lasts four months (17 weeks).  Each workshop has a designated workshop leader (who is also a full participant in the workshop).  It is designed

Short Fiction and Public Policy

I'll think about why I like this story later.  Right now I just want to recommend it (and the magazine it was published in: American Short Fiction).  The

America Speaking Out?

Winston Churchill said that "the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."  If you spend a few minutes on the site linked below, you

Gallup on Gay Marriage

Fourteen years of survey data broken down by political and ideological subgroups: We've come a long


An Unbiased, Informative Post on the Federal Budget, the Deficit, and the National Debt

[Photo Credit] My only intent is to inform.  Really. First, go to Office of Management and Budget.  Start with the Summary Tables (2011 Fed


On Rand Paul, Private Property, and What it Means to be a U.S. Senator (Short)

[Photo Credit] [Note: This is shortened version of a longer post.] Rand Paul, the Republican nominee  in Kentucky for the U.S. Senate, says he doesn't support


On Rand Paul, Private Property, and What it Means to be a U.S. Senator

[Photo Credit] I just watched a clip of the Rand Paul, the Republican nominee in the race to represent the state of Kentucky in the U.S. Senate


Protected: Just in Time

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Seven Dumb Arguments Cluttering Up the Same-Sex Marriage Discourse

[Photo Credit] We should be having a national dialogue about whether or not same-sex marriage is good public policy.  We’re not.  Instead we’ve got groups of like-minded

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